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Discover the Truth
"The Truth Hurts, It Tells You something you need to change".
Being part of something you support and believe in is powerful.
Shine Once More And Radiate Good Vibes
Becoming self-aware is a form of enlightenment. Consider this: Do you Think An Alcoholic Or Drug User Know they have a problem? NO "But When They Do Something Amazing Happens" ENLIGHTMENT, Bringing Change. Drug addicts often justify their habits and refuse to admit they have a problem However, change occurs when one becomes self-aware You truly become whoever you aspire to be, with no excuses. Achieving your inner desires allowing you to become the person you wish to be fulfilling any prophecy. It is true that some aspects of life are unchangeable, but creating change moving forward is entirely possible I have accomplished this, leading to immense happiness and positivity, with amazing feelings of euphoria.
Stop Is this you ? Do You Feel Like Your Missing Something? Do You Feel Sad? Has Something Happened In Your Life? What’s Stopping YOU? What’s Holding You BACK? Remember Feelings Are Just Thoughts and how You look At it is how it will make you feel.... Thoughts become what you are thinking...
Change You, Help You, Enlighten Your Mind, Body And Spirit... When You start to feel Change, Then anything is possible.
I’ve Been So scared Of Heights All My Life, But yet I've successfully Parachuted Out of A Plane from 10000ft, I’ve been Tree Top Climbing all because I fear not what I think, Its just a thought becoming a feeling... Thats It and All it is, YOU CAN BE ANYTHING AND ACHEIVE ANYTHING ITS ALL about MINDSET....
At our core, we are all the same; remove our life experiences, skin color, and religious beliefs - we are all human.
I Know Who I am, do you?
Be Honest To Yourself And Others, Why? Truth always Wins And Heeds No Enemies. Being Dishonest is an act of negativity, and Lets Be straight here if your having to Lie to someone, then whatever your doing is wrong.
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