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What and Why do you Fear?
Have you ever noticed how the side of a candle can become indented, if you drop it lets say? It Still works and is still a candle but that mark will remain until the candle is burnt away. So the Idea is that your fear is a dent an, impression in your brain. It will always remain no matter what you do, but doesnt mean you can't fix it. Unlike the candle im not asking that you burn yourself away, what I am Asking is for you to accept the annology. Once you understand the fear and why you can't deal with tight spaces, darkness, spiders, buttons the list is endless.... They all relate to some kind of fear or trauma at somepoint in your life as an Adult, Child or Baby. Its an impression of thought, just like the impression on the candle... so why cant you think yourself out of it... You can once you accept it for what it is just a thought. There is no Fear of darkness just as there is no fear of buttons the other may say its all about how you feel when you think about it. So if its just a thought tell yourself this, Ive just conquered fear of heights and now im looking forward to conquering fear of spiders.. Its just a thought becoming a feeling, dont get me wrong im not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and although words sound simple its not but YOU CAN DO IT. Little steps and the belief that you can is all it takes then to tell yourself and know in yourself its just a thought.
Once you understand the fear and why you can't deal with tight spaces, darkness, spiders, buttons—the list is endless—you'll find that they all relate to some kind of fear or trauma at some point in your life, whether as an adult, child, or baby.
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