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Life Laws Explained

Master Your Mind And Control It:

In this world, the only aspect we can truly alter is ourselves. Your thoughts define you; your desires mold you. Learn to master your powers instead of being dominated by them. Once you understand this, a shift begins in every facet of your life. I am pleased to share this wisdom with you. Continue to spread it and help others, as gratitude is an extraordinary power we hold. Why do you behave in the ways you do? From birth, we are molded, and our identities are sculpted by our experiences. Yet, this does not dictate who you are, but who you have become. When you comprehend and dissect your life, you recognize how you have been put together, and that is when you can commence change.

The law Of Life..

The actions you take and the way you conduct yourself shape who you are and what you attract into your life; it's a reflection of your deeds. It's no coincidence that a significant number of people are amassing wealth; this is not by chance. Thinking is often not merely a thought, but a profound one that allows you to experience life as an external observer. The good times, the bad times, and the honesty in questioning your actions and feelings... Many of your beliefs are inherited, so you must decide what you want and then embrace these lessons to change your life.

The Law Of Thinking. Mind Is The Master Power, Positive Thinking Or Negative Thinking which one do you choose?

Understanding life demystifies our existence, and we become beings of continuous growth. An individual's progress is governed by their mental state, much like a CPU that processes various inputs and outputs. By thinking empowering thoughts, you'll find yourself attracting like-minded individuals. There's no need to concern yourself with external thoughts; you have control over them—focus on how they make you feel. It's a fact that we all have worries and concerns, but this is merely a state of awareness. It doesn't necessitate action; it simply makes you conscious. Welcome it with gratitude and say thank you. Seek only the positive actions you can undertake, or embrace your destiny with a smile and learn from it.


Thoughts, whilst invisible, can be quantified as a current, an energy. Thought travels at 100,860 miles per second, which, when compared to the speed of light, is 933 thousand times faster than the sound of your voice. We are a mass of magnetic energy emitting electrical impulses that can be measured. Do You Ever Stop To Think That Your Very Existence, is A Million To One... You Made It to the egg first out of millions of others, Now tell me you’re not special and unique. Your A fighter even before you were born, giving up in anyway is just the way you think and that’s how it makes you feel... I’ve Lost Parents, Even A Child and Many Relationships. I’m still positive and still believe turning all my negatives into positives and understanding and accepting feelings...DONT GET TRAPPED

I'm Proud To Say I Suffer With ADHD, Which Explains And Answers Many Things. Never Known This Till A Breakup, But from That negative experience I've Sort Counselling, self help is not always possible. KNOWING THIS, I've decided to share with you my journey, my success, My Downs and Up's... ITS OK Your not alone. Understanding What ADHD is, Its become my friend "Metaphor" Acceptance brings change and remeber controlling the mind, controls how you feel and what you do...

So It just goes to show what you focus on? The Negatives Or the Positives Of Growing And Bettering Myself. Accepting, Understanding Brings Change, is better than feeling guilt, does'nt mean I don't feel it, The difference is I Don't Hold Onto feelings I've no control over.

Depression And Help
Depression And Help
Walking to Clear the Mind and thoughts
Walking to Clear the Mind and thoughts
Power Of Self Help
Power Of Self Help