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The Law of Attraction is incredibly powerful. If you believe in it, then it's essential to understand, know, and feel it. Desire links us to the unseen aspects of our wants, drawing the very things we long for towards us. If you're feeling cold, try this: close your eyes and visualize warmth, the embrace of a loved one, the burning logs, the crackle of the fire, and the heat emanating from it. Believe in this warmth, and you can alter your body's temperature. The external world can dictate our current reality. Ask yourself if you are fulfilled, if your actions are leading you towards the life you desire, and what steps you have taken to manifest this life.
The Law of Attraction is a philosophical concept suggesting that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. It’s based on the idea that thoughts are a form of energy and that positive energy attracts success in various aspects of life, including health, wealth, and relationships. Here are some key points:
Like Attracts Like: The principle that similar things are attracted to each other. This means that people tend to attract others who are similar to them, but it also suggests that people’s thoughts tend to attract similar results.
Nature Abhors a Vacuum: Removing negative things from your life can make space for more positive things to take their place.
The Present is Always Perfect: Focus on positive and progressive thoughts, as dwelling on negatives can lead to more negativity.
In practice, this means visualizing your goals, maintaining a positive outlook, and focusing on what you want to achieve rather than what you don’t want.
Never anchor your happiness to a feeling or words. Anything you believe will bring happiness and may ultimately lead to the opposite. If you think money will make you happy, it may soon show you otherwise. If you expect your son or family to be the source of your joy, they might prove you wrong. Don't attach yourself to material things; they cannot save you and may have the opposite effect. Instead, envision and believe in what you desire, let it manifest. Visualize it, see it, feel it, then wait. Continue with your life without giving it another thought, just believe this sends out a clear message a frequency.
Ever told a story of how blessed your relationship is to others then a year later you are talking about divorce, accepting is just that it tells no story accept if you are helping someone to move forward in life, this is gratitude. Anyone who talks of money either has none or will soon be without it. Acheivments are not rewards they are success and sucess is a story to help not to prove otherwise, only speak in terms of gratitude as giving brings happiness which is not measured by value but ultimitely the feeling we all love and appeciate the most....
We are here to help, no matter where you find yourself in life; ultimately, you are who you are by choice. So if it's a choice, then why did my mother and father pass away? I still remember the day my father died, the urgency, the chill, rushing to ensure my mum was okay. That's right, to ensure my mum was okay. Death is certain, whether by age, by the company we keep, or by circumstances beyond our control. Our days are not guaranteed; each day is a gift, and what you do with it is your choice.
I loved my father, and I still do, but life has taught me that you can't control the past or the future, only the present. If you let your feelings and thoughts take over, then you're allowing your brain to implode all your energy into grief, with no outcome other than the loss of something you can't control. What's the purpose of that energy?
Transform that energy into positivity, acceptance, and gratitude. Give comfort, help, take control, respect death, bow down, and grant it peace. Surely, it will come for us all one day. Make friends with it, and perhaps it will grant you a peaceful passage. Thoughts attract; the simple explanation is that when you think, your body reacts, and then you attract that thought. Bad things will always occur; it's how you respond to them that determines the energy you emit, which in turn shapes you and the path you choose.
Adapt to your emotions, whether good or bad, as you have no control over them. Consider what lessons they are teaching you or how this energy can be harnessed for greater good. Every negative has a positive, just as a battery needs both to generate power. The North and South Poles prevent us from spinning out of control, just as Yin and Yang demonstrate the balance of energy. Everything requires a negative and a positive to function. Our feet ground us, and our heads are the positives.
Try walking barefoot on grass and touching a tree to transfer excess positive energy; how does that make you feel? Did you know synthetic fabrics can interact with your energy? For instance, polyester material will crackle and spark when rubbed together in the dark, similar to crackling paper. This surrounds you with a positive charge akin to a microwave. If you're feeling scattered, try switching to cotton clothing and bedding, as cotton has a grounding effect.
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