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Life Is Not A Journey, Its What You Think It To Be...

You See this container ship, full of cargo destined for so many ports around the world.. Ask the Captain what his next port is and he will tell you immediately. For days he will set sail with no land in site and an empty coast line, encountering Hales, storms, winds.. heading in One Direction he will eventually get to port and the same story prevails for the rest of his journey.

You see The thing is we need to have a sense of purpose direction, knowing that we will encounter whatever it may be along the way the key element is never giving up and keep focused on your goal and achievement and you will succeed. Im experiecing the same, I Have A goal to help Others, and this is me doing something about it.

Do you Know what I have been through?

Sometimes The negatives happen for you to find the positive meanings in your Life, stop to think about that one! My Life is attracting Like Minded People, My Life has Gone from a very dark place to a very positive place since understanding that you get out of life what you think and feel. Negativity is a feeling when something just doesn't feel right, makes you feel sad, makes you cry, makes you feel like oh why me...that sort of feeling you know the one I'm talking about Do you know why?

Awareness that's exactly what it is it's your body making you aware that you are not satisfied or you are upset by a particular type of action.... Question is what are you going to do about it? You can turn that thought into a feeling, and what feeling you choose is entirely up to you and your mindset in how you're looking at the awareness. Thats All it is nothing is a problem unless you make it one, Problems are like a quiz to be solved turn into a game mindset, and challenge yourself to think your way through, its actually really good fun. Changing your way of thinking will change, YOU and the people you attract into your life.

Small steps of change are very important, imagine writing a 700 page book that makes sense and purpose in a day, just isn’t going to happen is it. Writing a bestselling novel, takes years of dedication and some days the inability to find the right words or direction for the rest of the chapters. Maybe go back re write certain chapters, or add to them its ok. Change is a big thing and sometimes, we might just get it wrong... As long as you’re willing to accept and own mistakes you can take the positives from them and change them going forward. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES No matter who you are, we all do it...

You, Me Them we are all amazing, when we realise this then we can become who we aspire to be. I’m not saying you need to change, but if you find yourself here your searching for something we all are, it’s our natural instincts and desires. Nothing Wrong with it, Sometimes a little change in our lives can make a big difference "The Butterfly Effect"

I’m Grateful, For Everything in My World the people I meet, the downs the ups all make me who I am. The downs make me stronger and the Ups Make me realise I can do this.... When you have that! your mindset will, reward you.

I talk directly with some amazing, successful and wealthy people, who all use this method and mindset. They all look at problems as a game. a challenge to find the solution and turn it into a positive, not saying every problem can be dealt with this way but what I can say is there is always some positive from any negative in this world and that is fact.

REMEMBER YOU ARE AMAZING, tell yourself this through the day, that inner voice Just say "Hey your amazing" and smile at the same time.